Viper strikes at illegal drivers criminals in Kirklees

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A police operation in Kirkless has left illegal drivers and street level criminals counting the cost in the latest of a series of Spring initiatives to bite into crime.

As part of Operation Viper, police and partners suspended the licences of seven taxis and seized a car as part of a Day of Action to tackle crime and boost safety on Leeds Road on Wednesady in the latest of a series of operations taking place in the area through the forces Viper campaign.

Viper officers together with staff from the Huddersfield Neighbourhood Policing Team and partners including VOSA stopped 75 vehicles to check their road worthiness and issue eight prohibition notices.

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Valuable intelligence about known offenders was also gained in the operation which was the second of a series of April initiatives to disrupt offenders.

On April 4 and 6, Viper officers joined forces with new Special Constables to increase patrolling across the districts streets, in operations to target known street level offenders and disrupt them.

Recruitment events were also held in Dewsbury to attract more Special Constables to join West Yorkshire Police, in particular those from black and ethnic minority groups.

Finally, officers also patrolled at a car boot sale at the Dewsbury Rams grounds on Sunday April 6 to check for counterfeit goods and speak with those attending.

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Sergeant Des Sawdon of the Kirklees Viper Team, said: “Operation Viper has been in full force in Kirklees over the past few weeks and we have been working with partners and volunteers to boost our presence in communities and disrupt street level crime.

“Disruption events such as the enhanced patrols and the road side checks can be very effective at deterring and disrupting the type of low level criminals who can make life a misery through offences such as theft and pick pocketing.”

The sergeant said officers had received a positive reaction from residents at all of the operations.

“The reaction we had from residents to the enhanced patrols and engagement events was very positive, with those we spoke to saying they valued the extra presence of uniformed officers.

“More operations are planned and I would encourage anyone who has information about criminals operating in their communities to contact CrimeStoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”

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