Santa drives in to A Crow Nest Christmas

PRESENT TIME James Matthews and Oscar and Melissa Lambert meet Santa Claus.PRESENT TIME James Matthews and Oscar and Melissa Lambert meet Santa Claus.
PRESENT TIME James Matthews and Oscar and Melissa Lambert meet Santa Claus.
Santa Claus swopped his sleigh for a vintage motor to arrive at A Crow Nest Christmas in style.

Saturday’s event at the Heckmondwike Road park, saw Dewsbury Museum, St John’s Church, The Friend of Crow Nest park and the Love Our Lake group work together to run a festive fun day.

As well as a Santa’s grotto, a carol concert took place in the walled garden and homemade soup, mince pies and refreshments were on sale.

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Linda Levick, heritage manager at Dewsbury Museum, said: “Inside the museum the Friends group set up various stalls and refreshments and Love Our Lake had a display about their work so far.

“We had 200 people through the doors and it was a really nice event.”