Pupils' bag pack raises £648 for Tanzania trip

Lightcliffe Academy students during their campaign at the Tesco store.Lightcliffe Academy students during their campaign at the Tesco store.
Lightcliffe Academy students during their campaign at the Tesco store.
Oliver and Alicia Womersley, who attend Lightcliffe Academy, took part in a bag packing event at the Tesco store in Cleckheaton along with their fellow students.

They were raising awareness and funds to help them fund a trip to Tanzania while bag packing at the checkouts.

The students raised £648.20 which will help fund the trip (each of the 10 students have to raise £1,400).

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During the trip Oliver and Alicia, who live in Scholes, will help in the community, completing work such as mud-brick building, working on a water foundation and learning about international human rights.

Raising awareness of the Tanzania trip.Raising awareness of the Tanzania trip.
Raising awareness of the Tanzania trip.

They will also visit two local schools, a state school and a private one, to compare the education of the pupils and visit a safe house for victims of domestic and sexual abuse.

After their visit the students are hoping to further develop links between the UK and Africa with the possibility of students from Tanzania visiting the UK.

A spokesman for the students said: “We would like to thank all the customers for their generosity and kind words of support.”