Artists to decorate containers for relocated Dewsbury Market traders

Artist Charlotte North with Coun Eric Firth at one of the containers in Dewsbury town centre that will be used to temporarily house market tradersArtist Charlotte North with Coun Eric Firth at one of the containers in Dewsbury town centre that will be used to temporarily house market traders
Artist Charlotte North with Coun Eric Firth at one of the containers in Dewsbury town centre that will be used to temporarily house market traders
A team of artists will decorate shipping containers in the town centre to provide an attractive space for traders who are relocated while the £15million revamp of Dewsbury Market takes place.

Work on the market project, which forms one of the key elements of the Dewsbury Blueprint regeneration scheme, is due to begin in the new year.

Kirklees Council has bought 54 steel containers to temporarily relocate traders in the town centre.

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The containers are planned to be placed within the town centre to Foundry Street (between Corporation Street and Market Place), Market Place, the western footpath of Longcauseway (in front of the Princess of Wales Precinct) and the forecourt of the town hall.

Dewsbury East councillor Eric Firth, who is also cabinet member for town centres, said: “Relocating the market is a big programme and we looked at how we could make the containers look attractive.

“We need to work them up and look like we are making an effort because at the end of the day they are going to be there for about two years.

“It’s an exciting time for Dewsbury. It will be quite a busy place for a few years with The Arcade, market and park projects but it will be a wonderful place when it is done.”

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Coun Firth added that the market service will be providing security in the town centre to make sure that the containers are safe and the area is secure.

Artist Charlotte North, who painted a giant mural on the side of the Princess of Wales Precinct earlier this year and has previously painted shipping containers at Redbrick Mill in Batley, will be leading a team from the Cubic Fruit group - including an illustrator, sculptor, metalworker and a woodwork technician - on the project to decorate the structures.

Initial designs include a botanical theme and illustrations capturing the characters of Dewsbury - more details are set to be announced in the coming weeks.