Pensioners’ handbags stolen in church

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Two women had their handbags stolen while setting up their church for the day.

Police in Cleckheaton are appealing for witnesses following the burglary in Dewsbury Road.

The incident took place at around 10am on Sunday March 1 when the church hall at Our Lady of Unfailing Help & St Paul of the Cross RC Church was opened up ahead of the congregation arriving.

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Two women, aged 68 and 69, both had their handbags stolen as they set up the hall.

PC Chris Birkenshaw of the Batley and Spen Neighbourhood Policing Team said: “This incident took place on a quiet Sunday morning whilst the church was being set up ahead of the day’s services.

“The offender or offenders have entered the building unseen by the victims and taken their bags before making off.

“It is likely that someone may have seen someone leaving the building with the handbags.”

Anyone who witnessed the incident,or has information that may assist the police in their enquiries is asked to contact PC Chris Birkenshaw via 101.