Dewsbury rapist who attacked woman a decade ago jailed from more than six years

Clive Pinchers from Dewsbury has been jailedClive Pinchers from Dewsbury has been jailed
Clive Pinchers from Dewsbury has been jailed
A Dewsbury man has been jailed after being convicted for seriously sexually assaulting a woman more than a decade ago.

Clive Pinchers, 57, from Dewsbury was sentenced to six and a half years at Leeds Crown Court after pleading guilty to a rape offence against an adult female victim in the Kirklees area in 2004.

Detectives have praised the courage of his victim in coming forward and making sure her attacker faced justice.

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The matter was reported to police in 2018 by the victim and became the subject of a full investigation by specialist safeguarding officers.

Pinchers was eventually charged with rape in December 2019.

DC Carole Haste, of the Kirklees Safeguarding Unit, said: “We welcome the sentencing of Pinchers today and I hope seeing him jailed and forced to confess his crime will bring his victim some closure.

“In her impact statement to the court, Pincher’s victim said coming forward and reporting what this man did to her was the hardest thing she had ever had to do, and we want to pay tribute to her courage.

“She has been incredibly brave throughout this case and her support of our investigation has resulted in a man who most likely thought he would never be held accountable having little choice but to plead guilty.”

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She added: “My colleagues and I from the Safeguarding Unit work hard to achieve justice for our victims who are brave enough to come forward when they are at their most vulnerable, and we can promise that we will always fully investigate every report made.

“We will always do everything we can to support victims as we seek justice for them.”